• Company Profile
  • Location of the Business
Aero Freight LLC (Emirates)
The need: An Organized, professional logistics provider to undertake and Execute a comprehensive package of transportation, customs clearance and freight forwarding in Doha. The Answer: Aero Freight Co Ltd. met the need of importers and exporters in Qatar fully. A pioneer who has grown into the premier logistics company in Doha with multi-modal capabilities offering a wide and complete range of services Freight Forwarding, Shipping Agency, Container Liner Agency, Chartering, Customs Clearance, Warehousing, Domestic Distribution, Land Transport, Exhibition Logistics, Packing & Removals and personal effects movement. At the dawn of the new millennium, Aero Freight was an established pioneer in its field with the added endorsement of the ISO 9002 certification for impeccable quality of services.
P.O.Box 50923 Dubai United Arab Emirates

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