• Company Profile
  • Location of the Business
Academy of Technical Training
The Academy of Technical Training was established on the basis and principles of providing excellent path to success and professionalism. The plans and professional steps were streamlined to achieve our principles with the aim to be one of the leading institutions in the area of training at all levels, state level, the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Arab and European countries.
The Academy of Technical Training is a national institution which aims to provide a new vision to serve the areas of training programs theory and practical in various fields such as: aviation security and safety, air traffic control, management of aircraft accidents. The curriculum and courses are accredited and certified by the General Civil Aviation Authority.
The Academy has new, modern and state of the art facilities situated at a strategic location in Knowledge Village - Dubai, which is considered one of the most prestigious educational sites and enjoys a good reputation locally and internationally.
+971 4 3671 888
Block 13 / G - 41 Dubai United Arab Emirates

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