• Company Profile
  • Location of the Business
Air Cairo
AIRCAIRO was founded in 2003 as  a charter operator .The stakeholder of AIRCAIRO are EGYPTAIR, National bank of Egypt (NBE) and Banque Misr (BM).
The strong financial position of the stakeholders supported AIRCAIRO market presence which led to owning 4 A320 -200 aircraft manufactured 2006 and 2007 , powered by CFM-56 engines
The seating capacity of the aircraft is 174 seats with an average seat pitch of 28" that corresponds to most legacy carriers seat pitch.
AIRCAIRO is one of the very few operators that cares about travelling passengers safety and comfort that's why AIRCAIRO successfully passed the IATA Operational  Safety Audit Programme (IOSA ) and proven to be a SAFA complaint ( European audit on foreign airlines ) .
To ensure credibility, AIRCAIRO has a safety and quality department that ensures adherence to the industry norms and standards.
On the human resources , who are the most valuable asset of AIRCAIRO; AIRCAIRO staff are 240 fully passenger services oriented , 140 are flying crew while the rest are administrative , commercial  and technical  staff .
Staff training forms an ongoing programme at AIRCAIRO ; most of the training sessions are designed to ensure passengers safety , services credibility and supporting innovative thinking .
Building on the experience gained and stakeholders strengths; AIRCAIRO will begin as of June 2012 AIRCAIRO  a new business model "Hybrid" or a low fare scheduled operator dedicating 2 units of the fleet to an era of low fares that includes inflight services .
Despite the youngesty of AIRCAIRO, we recognised the need to change the business model to suit the needs and wants of the travelling public.
Many partners have shown great interest to join the new product like hotels, car rentals, banks ...etc; all targeting offering an matched service quality to AIRCAIRO passengers.
AIRCAIRO is and will continue to be a dedicated airline to new innovations and through the news letters; which we invite you to register in; we will keep you posted with all the updates.
2 -02 -22687681/22687682
20 Sayed Zakaria Khalil Cairo Egypt

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