• Company Profile
  • Location of the Business
Airport International Group
For Queen Alia International Airport to become the airport of choice in the region, building strong global connections for Jordan, and serving as a source of prosperity and pride for all Jordanians.
Manage, operate, promote and maintain QAIA in a safe, friendly, efficient and profitable manner, delivering high quality services and facilities, applying best practices, technology, innovation, and investing in our people to exceed the expectations of our customers, partners and the traveling public.
 Corporate Values
At AIG Professionalism is not an aspiration but the standard, where Integrity, work ethics, and Teamwork take us to new heights.
Our business is built on Respect, Commitment and Passion for delivering unparalleled levels of excellence and Innovation.
+962 6 445 3000/4010250
P.O.Box 39052 Amman Jordan

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