• Company Profile
  • Location of the Business
Al Bank Al Saudi Al Fransi
Banque Saudi Fransi (BSF) is a Saudi Arabian Joint Stock Company established by Royal Decree No. M/23 dated June 4, 1977.
Global Partnership
The Bank is affiliated with Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank that holds an equity interest of 31.1%. Credit Agricole CIB is a fully-fledged member of the Crédit Agricole Group, the second largest bank in France, and seventh amongst banks of the Euroland by total equity. As of March 2012, the Bank has a capital strength of 9,040,178,750 SR.
Our objective is to provide all types of commercial banking services to both domestic and international customers.
BSF aims at creating a long term and personalized partnership with all its customers, gaining loyalty through recognized banking expertise, quality of service, as well as innovative and customized financial solutions.
Extensive Network
Our Head office is located in Riyadh and we have three (3) Regional Offices in Jeddah, Al-Riyadh and Al-Khobar.
Our physical Sales Distribution Network totaling 115 is composed of:
86 full-fledged Branches, 18 Ladies Sections and 11 Fransi Connection Self Service Branches
Total ATM network is 591 including Cash Acceptance Machines
Total POS grew to 5922 while merchants reached 5132
As of 31st December 2012 the number of employees reached 2465
Social activity

As a corporate citizen, the Bank supports the tireless efforts of the Saudi government in the economic reform programs and developmental efforts to strengthen the economy and promote the welfare of the community.  As part of the memorandum of agreement between the Bank and the Ministry of Social Affairs, Banque Saudi Fransi supports the programs and activities of the Ministry to unify the efforts made by various charitable organizations, assists them with the Bank’s various donations and participate in media campaigns aimed at social awareness. The memorandum also aims at exchanging ideas on charity works, and build bridges of cooperation between the private and public sectors. 
Steady Growth
Over the years, BSF has demonstrated a sustainable pattern of growth that has established its current financial strength and leadership in the Saudi market, positioned the Bank as a modern and dynamic institution fully geared to meet the challenges of the future.  In the area of Islamic banking services, Banque Saudi Fransi had made considerable improvement in the development of products and services including enhancements of our branches to comply with the provisions of Islamic Sharia and to provide alternative products available to companies and individuals including investment and treasury services.  Banque Saudi Fransi plays a leading role in the provision of these services aside from leasing and participation in Tawarruq for corporate clients.
Banque Saudi Fransi has announced its financial results for the full year 2012 recording a net income of SR 3,015 Million .The earnings per share establish at SR 3.34 for the full year 2012 .
Current financial information available under "Financial Information" page.
Standard & Poor's Ratings Services
Long Term Issuer: A
Issuer Outlook: Stable
Long Term Local Currency Issuer: A
Short Term Issuer: A-1
Short Term Local Currency Issuer: A-1
Date of latest report: 28-September-2012

Moody’s Investors Service
Global Local Currency Deposit Rating:   AA3
Foreign Currency Deposit Rating:  AA3/P-1
BFSR (Bank Financial Strength):  C+
The Outlook on all the bank’s rating is:  Stable.
Date of latest report: 05-October-2012
+966 (03) 837-4499 / 6351 / 6352 / 6354 / 6358 / 6359
Prince Nayef Bin Abdulaziz Street Dammam Saudi Arabia

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